Tag: Home
We are so proud of the quality of our laundry detergent. It is the only detergent so many of our customers reach for. If you haven't made the switch to Lilly's for your laundry, why not give it a try!
Get 30% off our Laundry Liquid 5 Litre Home Refill in The Back To School Sale!
March into Spring Cleaning
The days are getting longer and life is getting busy again. Our homes have been our havens for the last few years and there's no better time to show our homes some TLC than with the big spring clean. Rather than seeing the big spring clean as a tiresome chore you can see it as an important step in your self care routine. When you care for your home you are caring for yourself and your loved ones. Cleaning and organizing the space you spend most of your time in can keep your immune system strong, avoid illnesses, boost your mood and help you sleep better. Your mental health can benefit greatly from keeping your space tidy. A clutter free,...
Black Friday Sale
This Friday 26th 35% off everything while stock lasts.
Live from 8am until midnight use code BLKNOV21
October Product Highlight: Laundry Liquid
Our Non-Bio Laundry Liquids are part of our Laundry Care collection.
These products are something we are very proud of, and we have a large number of customers who swear by them.
For the month of October, our 750ml bottle is 30% off available exclusively from our WEBSITE.
Product Highlight: Degreaser and Descaler spray
Our Degreaser and Descaler spray is part of our kitchen range and for the month of August our 500ml bottle is 30% off exclusively from our website and warehouse shop in Carna.
About us
From our homes to your homes since 2003. Home care solutions, that help us to heal the planet.
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