IMBOLC - Spring has Sprung

IMBOLC - Spring has Sprung


It feels as if it has been a very long cold winter but now we look forward to celebrating Imbolc to mark the arrival of spring. There is lot’s to look forward to including longer brighter evenings, warmer weather, new life in nature and getting out into the garden again. 

Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels

Photo by Alena Koval on

From Feb 1st to February 2nd the traditional festival Imbolc, also celebrated as St.Brigids day, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. 

The day is celebrated in many ways including:

  • Feasts/special meals
  • Visiting streams rivers and wells
  • Divination
  • Spring cleaning
  • Lighting candles
  • Sowing the first seeds such as sweet peas and early potatoes 
  • The International Imbolc Festival has been held for the last 5 years in Derry Northern Ireland
  • Bonfires and hearthfires (Fire and purification are a very important part of the celebrations)
  • Making Brigid’s crosses and Brídeógs


St. Brigid's cross 

The Saint Brigid's cross was thought to keep evil, fire and hunger from the home in which it was displayed. The newly made Brigid's cross was displayed and the cross from the year before burned.

St. Brigid's cross is a lovely decoration for the spring, and if it does all the above, well that is a nice bonus. 

To make your own Crosóg Bhríde / Brigid's Cross, head over to Nine arrow on Instagram and watch her lovely video. 

You can use rushes, drinking straws or colourful paper as seen in the video here Make a St.Brigids cross


Photo still from Ninearrow Youtube

Whether you are making a delicious traditional Colcannon or a Brigid’s cross this February 1st we wish you a Happy and Healthy Imbolc.


Nikki Moans January 2021

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