3 ways to connect more with nature
This Easter weekend, we wish you a lot more time connecting with nature. That can happen even inside your house or apartment, or outside where ever you can visit easily whether in the city or countryside, forest or hills. The best way to connect more is to increase your knowledge base, get to know nature more to improve your relationship with it. Here are a few tips on how to get going.
1. Know and care for your houseplants.
If you think you are one of the people who can't keep a plant alive, think again. All that's required is a little bit of time to actually identify your plant, where it originates from and its care instructions - then follow them. You will not only feel that bit smarter for adding this piece of plant knowledge to your repertoire, but also happy when the plant is thriving under your care. To ensure you won't lapse in your plant care, dedicate a regular time for house plants: Saturday Morning is Plant Morning when you attend your house plants!

2. Learn tree species when out for walks and hikes.
Whether in your local park, or on your weekend hike, pay attention to the tree species you see. Imagine the new dimension to your regular outings when you can observe - "oh look, the Scots Pine is doing great this year", or "the Lime leaves are out".
With this knowledge you gain new friends, as that is what trees are for us. Also you automatically become more tuned in to the importance and value of trees and their wellbeing.

3.Sow seeds.
Whether it is a small windowsill or back yard veg or flower garden, to witness the power of nature from what can become of a small seed is something everyone should experience. All you need is a small amount of seedling compost, seeds and a repurposed container to start them in.
Once sown first give them some heat (above a radiator or in the hot press) and once they sprout, move them into the light and follow any further instructions specific to the plant you have sown.

With these little actions we can understand our nature and the planet, and it's endless bounty and power.
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From our homes to your homes since 2003. Home care solutions, that help us to heal the planet.
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